Black, TX

First Mercantile in Black, Texas

1st Black Mercantile 1930. Glen Mcrate, Owner

The Black Community is approximately 26,000 acres which lie in the heart of the irrigation district. Being one of the youngest developments, it is rich in soil and water resources. There are two-grain elevators handling yearly 2,425,000 bushels of milo and wheat.

U.S. Highway 60 splits the community diagonally from the northeast to the southwest, paralleling the main line of the Santa Fe Railroad. A full-time Santa Fe agent is maintained at Black, from where grain and cattle are loaded and shipped.

Black, TX Circa 1920

Black, TX School Circa 1920

Beulah May Deaton, Ethel Benger, Emma Elmore, Reba Allmon, Altha Presley, Anna Mae Hays, Beulah May Deaton, Pearl McClane, Maxine Price

School Bus at Black, TX 1920

Black, TX School Circa 1920

Rural Progress Committees

Black Texas Rural Progress Committee

Christine Braxton, Anna Mae Hays, Emma Elmore, Carrie Tatum, Clyde Hays, Mrs. Lloyd Prewet, Fern Barnett

Black TX Rural Progress Committee

Ellis Tatum, Woodrow Whitaker, Pete Braxton, Tom Presley

Prelude to the Program

Prelude to the Program at Black on March 8 was the supper enjoyed by families participating in the Neighborhood Progress contest which the community entered this year sponsored annually by the Farmer Stockman and the Extension Service. Cotton John Smith left as guest speaker for the evening. Visiting with him are Dillie Kelly, Superintendent of the Friona School and John Benger president of the contest official board.

Black Texas Prelude to the Program
Black TX Prelude to the Program
Prelude to the Program in Black Texas

John Smith, Dillie Kelly, and John Benger

School Meeting inside Black Texas schoolhouse

Meeting inside Black Schoolhouse

Black Texas Community Slogan

Black, TX Community Slogan

Black Texas School

Black, TX School

Black Texas School Seniors

School Seniors

Cliff Johnson, Margaret Guinn, Beulah Mae McCrate, Virginia Perkins, Lozeda Deaton, Mildred McMurry. (Two other unidentified)


Bovina, Texas